Thursday, May 21, 2009

Bye bye baby, for a little while

For those of you who haven't noticed, I haven't written a blog-post in a long time. What can I say. Life has taken over. Being an angry mother of two, battling the flu, trying to survive to the end of the school-year with all the end of season activity-parties and planning the summer vacation, it's been hectic.

I also haven't had any inspiration to write anything vaguely child or family orientated for a while. Life has just been plodding along, and I have simply been trying to keep up.

Therefor, I am closing the blog down for now. Or, rather. I am leaving it as it is, and towards the end of August I will take start it up again. With a new, fresh outlook on things, and tons of fun rants.

Have a great summer, everyone. Look after your little'uns and yourselves. Make sure to get plenty of ME-time. You all deserve it!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

To brand Motherhood

It's hard not to get cynical about Octomom. I have my hardest not to, but I fail.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Playing housewife is a game for life

I have spoken to two different women in the space of a week, both complaining about the lack of support their getting from their husbands whilst trying to get their businesses of the ground.
One of them, a mother of four, have stayed at home for nearly ten years, taking care of children and home, doing play dates and school-runs, meal plans and soccer practice, the other woman is a other of two. Apart from having been a stay at home for "only" 5 years, her routine has been the same.
Both had the opportunity to pursue great business opportunities within areas that they are interested in (children's apparel, and catering), with great prospects and the possibility of combining their interest and added income with still being able to be there for the kids when they need it.
- Sure, the husbands said. This is your time, this is your turn to rock, baby. I'll be there for you, and the family. We'll do the hard work together.

Three months later, turns out their not so keen on playing hands-on daddy and supportive spouse any more. They start whining and whingeing, like babies.
- Come on, honey, isn't it time for you to stop playing around and start taking care of your responsibilities again. You've had your fun, I need to devote my time to work again. I can't sit around and wait for you, when, let's face it, this isn't gonna turn us in to millionaires any time soon, will it?

So this is what happens when you let go. You let go of that independence, thinking that playing housewife for a few years while the kids are small while he's out making career and good money is not so bad, and no one told you that you actually end up back in the 50's, tied to the stove and popping Valium to survive. It can happen to the best of us. Why didn't anyone tell us before we signed the papers?
No, wait a minute - we didn't actually sign anything. We went in to this willingly and obligingly.